The Los Angeles Downtown News article

on the news stands  April 1, 1991

Saturday November 10, 1990 our downtown loft building, “Home Of The Brave”, hosted an artist reception and open house.

Dave McCombs, a writer for the Los Angeles Downtown News, attended the event intending to cover the artist’s exhibit. Karen and I met Dave and we had the opportunity to show him our studio loft. He was intrigued with what we saw and asked if he could return at a later date to interview us for a Downtown News article. Of course we were thrilled.

On December 9th Dave returned to conduct the interview. I was so excited. The interview lasted about two hours and Dave left with notes and an audio recording of the interview. A few weeks later we received a “thank you” note for the interview and a written transcript of the audio recording. The transcript is included here just for it’s endearing quality, typo’s and all.

We didn’t hear from Dave after that and we just assumed that our story didn’t make the cut. Then one Saturday we were at our local video store to rent a few VHS movies, (that’s how you watched movies back in the ‘90s). On our way out we stopped to pick up the latest Downtown News and... BAM!!... there we were....